Falcon Service and Supply, LLC
Proudly supporting the Power, Oil & Gas and Pipeline Industries.
Everyone offers a product, but not everyone offers a service!
New installations, retrofits, commissioning, start-up support and more!

By careful planning and pre-assembly, we can reduce the amount of man hours spent in the field and speed up the overall schedule of the project.

Proper maintenance often provides significant cost savings by reducing unplanned downtime and easing the dangers of regulatory problems.

Field Service
We understand the challenges of building in remote locations and have significant project experience and proven management expertise in the field.
Perma Lubricant Solutions
The Expert in Lubrication Solutions
We are an Authorized Dealer of Perma single-point lubrication systems which can keep your machinery running smoothly by making sure it's adequately lubricated. This is perfect for bearings, sliding guides, open gears, gear racks, spindles, shaft seals, chains and much more!

Conax Technologies
Compression seal fittings, temperature sensors, and cable harness assemblies.
We are an Authorized Dealer of Conax Technologies compression seal fittings, temperature sensors, and cable harness assemblies which are ideal for a variety of industries. Conax's line of products greatly improve the reliability of your equipment and provide critical insight into the health of your systems.
Predict Plus
Proactive pump health monitoring
We are an Authorized Dealer of Predict Plus for 24/7 monitoring of temperature and vibration on your equipment. The Predict-cloud shows your equipment dashboard complete with proactive alerts and historic data trends.

PCB Piezotronics
Sensors to measure vibration, acoustics, force, pressure, load, strain, shock & torque
We are an Authorized Dealer of PCB® sensors used by design engineers and predictive maintenance professionals to test and measure vibration, pressure, force, acoustics, load, and shock in research and development as well as industrial applications.
Sensors and alarms for unwanted hydrocarbons, solvents, and other liquids
We are an Authorized Dealer of NaftoSense. Naftosense designs and manufactures hydrocarbon leak detection systems based on addressable products which detect the presence of hydrocarbons such as refined fuel, light / heavy crude oils, lubricants, dielectric oils, solvents, and petrochemical compounds.

Met Weld International
Engineered, Skid-Mounted, Process Systems and Industrial Controls
We are an Authorized Dealer of Met Weld International leading supplier of Engineered, Skid-Mounted, Process Systems and Industrial Controls for the power generation, oil & gas and chemical industries. For over 35 years, MWI has supported global industry with a full line of services and capabilities, including integrated design, engineering, fabrication, assembly and testing. MWI’s single location and quality systems deliver a controlled approach to each project and ensure the highest level of quality and service for our customers.
Carbon Reduction Systems
Carbon Reduction, Hydrogen Monitoring, Energy Harvesting
We are an Authorized Dealer of Carbon Reduction Systems. CRDX has decades of experience in support of Energy. As part of our commitment, we take a full spectrum view of carbon reduction strategies across the range of fuels available to power producers today – and to those being developed for the future.

CTRL Systems
Reliable Technology, Integrated Solution
We are an Authorized Dealer of CTRL Systems. CTRL's industry-leading acoustic ultrasound sensors, supported by comprehensive training and cloud-based data management SaaS, helps to improve and sustain clients’ production reliability while reducing energy costs. CTRL's ultrasound condition-based monitoring (CBM) takes place in a non-destructive testing (NDT) environment, allowing users to inspect and accurately monitor assets while equipment is fully operational. The CTRL approach to acoustic ultrasound CBM is viable for a single-site operation or a global multi-site organization.
Motors, Drives, Etc
Access to equipment worldwide
We offer 24-hour support and fast delivery for motors, drivers, starters, and more. Let Falcon Service and Supply be your one source for electric motors, mechanical equipment and services for domestic and international procurement, installation, troubleshooting and repairs.

Shelco Filters
Superior Solution and Satisfaction
We are an Authorized Dealer of Shelco Housings and Filters. Since 1973, Shelco has used state-of-the-art research and development to design high-quality filters that increase performance and reduce costs. As the leading industrial filter manufacturer, our proven single shell design – made in the USA – has become an industry standard; and today, our entire product line offers innovative solutions for each customer.
Rochem Fyrewash
Performance Enhancing Cleaning Systems for Power and Energy
We are an Authorized Dealer of a range of powerful specialist compressor cleaning chemicals exhibiting outstanding performance, they’re designed for all types of fouling and meet current OEM and environmental standards worldwide. All of the Rochem FYREWASH® chemical ranges are suitable for both on-line and off-line washing.

Otis Instruments
Gas Detection Monitoring Systems
We are an Authorized Dealer Otis Instruments, a manufacturer of wired and wireless (WireFree) gas detection and monitoring systems for toxic, combustible, oxygen, and carbon dioxide gases. Otis' traditional products are fixed gas detection systems that are wired and modbus-based. Otis Link is their new telemetry system used to give real-time alerts when monitoring your gas detectors.
Engineering, Industrial, and Infrastructure projects, 3D Modeling, Processing, Data Analysis, Consulting, and Technical Assurance
We are an Authorized Dealer of SERENGTECH, a company that provides 3D modeling services for infrastructure projects, data processing and analysis, engineering consulting and technical assurance for engineering projects in different market sectors; its objectives are to consolidate its position in the local market and project itself globally; through innovative solutions and sustainable engineering, focusing all efforts on meeting the requirements of our clients and other stakeholders.